
"The proper use of imagination is to give beauty to the world..." Lin Yu-T'ang

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Planted Like A Tree

Hand cut paper and acrylic on canvas.  8X8. 

Stay planted like a tree. 
Let the winds blow through you. 
If you must bend, then bend. 
Feel the breeze through your leaves. 
Stand. Still. 
Stand. Strong.
Stand. Proud.
Stay planted like a tree.


  1. This is beautiful! At first glance I thought it was stitched or quilted, but I see that's the patterned paper...nice effect!

    Also...when following your blog for some reason my Blogger Dashboard and Google Reader show your most recent post as Apr 20 (titled "Clear Blue")--I had to come here to see that you had more recent posts. Glad I did! Has anyone else mentioned a problem? Maybe it's just me...

  2. Thanks for letting me know about my blog posts not showing up in Reader :( I'll have to look into this and see why this is happening (not happening).


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