
"The proper use of imagination is to give beauty to the world..." Lin Yu-T'ang

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wednesday Night Gratitude

Ah, it's Wednesday again already! Half way through another week -- and with a holiday right around the corner. A few things I have gratitude for so far this week:

*My Pretty Boys, Huey and Mystery (aren't they handsome?)
*I'm so glad that I've been able to let them out in the back yard the last few evenings. They're so happy to be outside!
*The beautiful, perfect mild weather that we've been having.
*I'm excited to see my daughter dance on Friday!



  1. I am grateful for two wonderful kids who give me several reasons to be happy and to better myself.

  2. I'm grateful for your friendship, sweet strawberries, happy reading kids,husband still has a job, summer time and the niceties of life

  3. Hi Kari, thank you so much for joining my blog! I simply love your cats- so beautiful!!!


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